10082002 DoHo Suh makes memory tangible with wallpaper floating houses and dog tags REGINA HACKETT SEATTLE POSTINTELLIGENCER ART CRITIC Aug 9 2002 5 1 of 5 DoHo Suhs exhibit includes SomeOne
you may see this video: Do Ho Suh Rubbing Loving Art21 Extended Play
DoHo Suh makes memory tangible with wallpaper floating houses and dog tags 1 of 5 DoHo Suhs exhibit includes SomeOne 2001 which is made of military dog tags that rise to become a heros
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Hasil web DoHo Suh makes memory tangible with wallpaper floating httpswwwseattlepicom D 9 Agu 2002 DoHo Suh makes memory tangible with wallpaper floating houses and dog tags REGINA HACKETT SEATTLE POSTINTELLIGENCER ART CRITIC
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