Dec 30 2012 Dayum Thats a crap load of dog tags Artist DoHo Suh made this work of serious art at The Rhode island School of Design hollain 2001 for an assignment regarding his identity as a Korean on the US So clever and poignant hundreds of military
you may see this video: The Evocative Fabric Stylings of Do Ho Suh Brilliant Ideas Ep 38
SomeOne 2001 represents artist Do Ho Suhs interest in individual and collective identity A minimalist sculpture Do Ho Suh explores how art transforms public and private spaces through a painstaking amount of intricate detail that is not always apparent at first sight but is an integral part of the artwork
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Hasil web Dog Tag Kimono by DoHo Suh Pinterest httpswwwpinterestcom pin Thats a crap load of dog tags Artist DoHo Suh made this work of serious art at The Rhode island School of Design hollain 2001 for an assignment
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