Polymer Clay Christmas Ornament Craft Catch My Party

Polymer Clay Chri

Polymer clay is a type of hardenable modeling clay based on the polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It typically contains no clay minerals, but like mineral clay a liquid is added to dry particles until it achieves gellike working properties, and similarly, the part is put into an oven to harden, hence its colloquial designation as clay. Polymer clay is generally used for making arts and craft ...

3/29/2019 · You can make all sorts of cute things out of polymer clay. Among the most versatile are angels. They are typically associated with Christmas, but they can also be used for Valentines Day as well. You can also use them as symbols of love and protection. If you are a fan of Doctor Who, you can even make a Weeping Angel using grey clay!

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Related : Polymer Clay Christmas Ornament Craft Catch My Party.